Saturday 10 May 2008

Why should I believe in God??

Many people said that, 'I am happy, I am doing fine, I am good, I have no problem, everything runs smoothly, why should I believe in God?

Do these sentences ring your bell? Is that what in your mind now?
Have you ever thought like that?

I did say like that before, but that really makes me fell terrible, I am grateful that I am not like that now. Can I ask you something?

  • Do you believe there is a great power above any other things in this world?
  • Do you believe in spirit, ghost, and any other spiritual things?
  • Do you believe that there is heaven and hell??
  • Do you believe that God is real and still exist in this world?

If you don't believe that there is a great power above any other things in this world. Just see around you; the sun, the moon, the earth, air, trees, sky, ocean, nature, even yourself, your life, your health, your brain. Do you think it happen coincidencely, no one created those things?

I don't think so, every art has its artist

How about evolution theory, do you really think that you are decendant of monkey, ape? How can a good looking man or woman like you be similar like monkey? Do you see monkey face in your beloved one? Your beautiful woman or handsome man? Think about that.

Do you think it reasonable to say that this earth existed 4.6 billion years ago, how can people prove that? Mathematics? Why then 1 + 1 = 2 not 3? Mathematics itself need approval. That happened because of human wisdom that want to proof everything. Do you think your brain can create any living things, even the most primitive microorganisms, do you really can? If you can't prove that, that means there is something bigger than mankind, that from Him, life appears. Something that you can't prove because you are limited.

Or, do you still think that you are unlimited? Then try to create a single cell microorganism from living thing by your brain. That can not happen, you can not do that, right? How can human's wisdom reach God on His holy place?

They have eyes, but they didn't see,
They have ears, but they didn't hear,
They have brain, but they didn't understand

If you don't believe in spirit, ghost and any other spiritual things, look around you, in Indonesia, people practicing magic, they use spirits, ghosts to harm people, to gain wealth, power, fame, to attract people, and much more. Or if you still don't believe it go further to Africa, I wonder if you still ignorant about it.

But if you believe there are spirits, ghosts, and others. Do you think that there is also Spiritual Power who overpower everything in this world? Do you think that you also have spirit inside you, that makes you different with animals and trees? And do you believe that if you died your spirit is still alive?

If you don't believe in heaven and hell, just use your internet to browse about it. I just opened my yahoo!, and found 68.000.000 website talking about it. If heaven and hell is not exist, why there are so many people talking about it?? This is not a fairy tale to put civilization in order or to control the behaviour of human? No, heaven is real, hell is real. These are the place where your spirit will be afterlife, when you finished your time in this world, there are only 2 options for you, either in heaven or in hell. Heaven is good and hell is bad.

If you don't believe that God is real and still exist in this world, close your eyes and pray, seek Him with your heart, challenge Him, tell Him, 'God, if you are really exist, come and convince me, make me understand'. I tell you the truth, seek His face wholeheartly, do not harden your heart, do not limit your mind, ask Him to testify himself to you. And God said, let the hearts of those who seek the Lord be rejoice. I am sure, that if you are really sincere, eager to know more about Him, He will come to you, because He is Living God, not dead. You will begin to see something in your life, some invisible Hands who guide you up until now. He really exists, and He loves you, He know the number of your hair, even He called your name when you were still in your mother's womb.

You can experience also from people around you, maybe you had a bad people or sick people around you, but one day, when you met them again, their life changed, they become good, health man. And you wonder what had happened?
Ask them, I believe they will say, 'God changes me'. Why they got healing or change? Because God is alive, He is not dead, He answers prayers.

He is real, He exists up until now

He is close to you, want you to call Him, He is waiting for you to open your heart. Do not make Him wait for so long, since you have wandered around by yourself and you find you still lack of something. Deep down within your heart, there is one small puzzle missing, which can only be filled by the fellowship with God. No matter you tried so hard, searching and searching, I will not find it, not in drugs, not in sex, not in beer, not in pleasure, but only in God. You are His creation and He is your Creator.

Pray and Seek Him, because He is so close, and He will make you rejoice

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