Friday 9 May 2008

My God is Almighty God

Kalau kamu telah membaca blogku sekian lama dan ingin tahu siapakah Tuhan yang aku sembah, aku akan memberitahukan kepadamu. Tuhanku adalah:

God of Heaven and Earth, who created this universe in 6 days

God of Noah who saved Noah and his family, and bring the wicked into judgment

God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob. Bukan God of Abraham, Isaac, Esau terlebih lagi God of Abraham, Ishmael, dsb. My God is different with all of them. My God is the Living God

God of Joseph, who raised by God to highly position to save his own family, Israel's decendants

God of Moses, who led Israel out from Egypt to Promising Land, who brought 10 Plagues in Egypt, who see face by face with Moses., and gave him 10 Commandments

God of Joshua, who led him to be a nation in Promising Land, to be Israel

God of Judges (Deborah, Gideon, Samson, etc), God of Ruth, God of Esther, who defend the righteousness, the compassionate God

God of Samuel, who prophecied about Israel

God of Kings (Saul, David, Salomon, etc) who fought for the enemy of Israel

God of Elijah, who brought fire from Heaven, who made earth felt no rain for 3.5 years

God of Jeremia, who supplied the needs to do His Work

God of Daniel, who gave Revelation and made Nebuchadnezzar, the greatest king is the world became like animal for 7 years

God of Isaiah, God of Nehemiah, God of Job, God of Hosea, God of Amos, God of Obadiah, God of Jonah, God of Micah, God of Nahum, God of Habakkuk, God of Zephaniah, God of Haggai, God of Zecharia, God of Malachi

God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy Ghost, blessed Trinity

I want to understand Him better and better, closer and closer. Kadang jika aku sedang dicobai iblis, aku akan bilang, 'God of Elijah, bring fire to this demonic force' atau saat aku lemah dalam kesusahan, aku akan bilang 'God of David, defend my case, fight for my enemy', etc.

Untuk kamu ketahui, nama panggilan Tuhan itu ada bermacam2: Jehovah Nissi, the Lord is my banner, Jehovah Shammah, the Lord is there, Jehovah Jireh, the Lord will provide. Dan akan lebih menguatkan imanmu saat kamu dengan lantang memanggil namaNya secara specific untuk setiap masalahmu. Lihatlah bagaimana Elisha mampu membelah air dengan mengacu kepada Tuhannya Elia.

2 Kings 2:14
Then he took the cloak of Elijah that had fallen from him and struck the water, saying, “Where is the LORD, the God of Elijah?” And when he had struck the water,
the water was parted to the one side and to the other, and Elisha went over.

Tahukah kamu, meski saat ini kamu mungkin tidak mengenal Tuhanku, tapi kalau engkau berkata 'God of Moses, God of David, God of Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, and all the name of my God', I promised you, something will happen if you put your faith on it. And if something happened and you saw the miracle, will you believe in Him? Jesus loves you.

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