Tuesday 13 May 2008

I Love Jesus

Untuk teman2 yang melihat logo CIBFest 2008 di blogku, aku harap pengertiannya. Aku menulis blog ini bukan untuk memenangkan lomba atau apalah itu. Bagiku itu adalah fana, tidak berguna, sia2. Aku tidak mengejar pujian, aku tidak mengejar hadiah, aku tidak mengejar nama. Aku tidak butuh itu semua, Tuhan seorang telah sanggup memuaskanku.

Aku hanyalah seorang yang bersedia dipakai Tuhan untuk menjadi saluran berkatNya. Ia yang memberikanku kemampuan menulis, berpikir, mengerti FirmanNya, sekali lagi, aku adalah bejana dalam tangan tukang periuk. Ia ingin menjadikanku hiasan rumah atau ditaruhNya aku di dapur, itu adalah keputusanNya. Kerinduanku adalah aku bisa bercerita ttg pengalaman2ku bersama Tuhan, bagaimana Dia selalu hadir di dalam hidupku, bagaimana Dia mengajariku berbagai macam hal, bagaimana aku mampu menangkap peristiwa2 biasa menjadi luar biasa, tapi semua itu hanya karena Tuhan. Tanpa Dia, aku hanyalah debu tanah. He sustains my life, I am just a breath.

Kapanpun, dimanapun, aku bisa tiba2 meninggalkan tubuh fana ini dan menghadap tahtaNya yang kudus dan aku akan cerita ke Dia,

'Daddy, look! I have done these things for you. Are you happy with me, Daddy? You gave me 5 talents, and now I am bringing you 10. I spent my time, shared my understanding in my writing to bless your name. No self ambition, no pride, no ungodliness, I did those things for you only. You know my heart, right? You judge my heart, right? Have I made you disappointed, Daddy? I am so sorry if I still have something not right in your sight. I always tried my best to be like my Brother, my Friend, my Saviour, to be like Jesus. I always have desire to be perfected like Him, though I know that I never gonna be perfect, but at best, I tried to. Daddy, do you want to hear my stories, do you want me to read for you some of my writing? Daddy, I hope through my writing, I can bring many people to desire you more, to know you better, to be closer to you.

Daddy, I love you so much. Thank you for being my Friend. Thank you for being so real to me. Thank you for everything in my life, bad time, good time, you always be with me. You treat me like an apple of your eye, you even know the number of my hair. Why am I so precious to you? Once I was a sinner, why you love me, Dad? Why? The more I know you, the closer I be to you, the more I realize, how majesty you are, how great you are. You made me feel so tiny, so little, so ashamed of myself, but you, in your holy Throne, you see me and love me, you KNOW me. What a wonderful thing, A GREAT GOD know a sinful, wretch, small man like me.

Daddy, to know you is my joy. My desire is that my own people, my own country, Indonesia know you. You bring revival in Indonesia, raise an army of God. Not to kill others, but to bless others, fight for others against the devil's devices that always try to harm every living soul. I want them to know you, LIVING GOD. God who never felt asleep, God who never late in giving hand, God who loves his own creation.

Daddy, I really hate devil, demon, satan till their root, give me power to crush their head so that they can't harm people, as they tried to harm my own family. Daddy, help me. I am weak if I am alone, but with you, I am the strongest person in this world, I can command devil to bow down, to flee, to go to hell, to take back all the devices they have planted, to repent or die. Daddy, I love you so much...your son, Alvin

Aku ingin menjawab panggilanNya atas hidupku. Saat aku bergumul tentang apa tujuan hidupku untuk Tuhan. Dia memberikanku satu perikop dalam

Ephesians 5:27

That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish.

Aku terpanggil untuk mempersiapkan gereja Tuhan (orang2 yang telah terpanggil) untuk mempersiapkan dirinya cemerlang tanpa cacat atau kerut atau yang serupa dengan itu, tetapi supaya jemaat kudus dan tidak bercela.

Aku mendaftar Festival ini semata2 karena aku ingin melalui blogku ini, banyak orang boleh semakin dekat dengan Tuhan dan nama Tuhan semakin dimuliakan. Aku telah mencoba sebisa mungkin agar blogku menarik perhatian banyak orang, aku pasang di semua web yang aku punya, semata2 karena aku ingin lebih banyak orang lagi mengenal Tuhan dan diberkati.

Jika kamu telah membaca blogku, dan kamu agree with me, dan jika kamu merasa terberkati, aku ingin kamu membantuku untuk share my blog to others. Not for my own sake, but for God. Praise be onto God. Amen

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