Monday 7 July 2008

Alvin, how would you explain the apparations of Mary in Lourdes, Medjugorje and Fatima?

Have you read in the Bible about Lazarus and the rich man (Luke 16:19-31)? After Lazarus died, angels came and took him to Abraham's side, while the rich man was in torment in hell. He ask Abraham to send Lazarus to his brothers. What Abraham said?

Luke 16:31

And he said to him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead.

So what can you say from this? There is no use, no chance for the dead to rise and deliver a message to them who are still alive. Then you will reason, 'Alvin, Mary had never been dead. She was taken into heaven alive, like Jesus. You can read it in Revelation 12, it tells about Mary'.

I have dealt with this apologetic in

Here, on this earth, we already have Bible, why do we need dead people to come and tell us? God is Just, it would be unfair if the dead could come and give warning to his family and friends. Imagine that if you are already dead and end up in hell. Maybe in hell you would behave like this rich man, begging for mercy. You still have parents and brothers, sisters, and also friends. You ready to condemn yourself more as long as your family, friends will never follow you go to hell.

If God allowed that, your family would be very lucky, they will be saved through you, and they who are still alive will teach the next generations that hell is really exist (proven by your experience, sealed with spirit that come from the dead, not believing by faith any longer). If we can do that, isn't it wonderful? But how about other people, who fatherless, childless, without relatives, or friends. Nobody from the dead will come to them, because nobody care, or even know them. They would be the most miserable ones on this earth.

Hell then would be so empty because the dead people will tell the living ones. Hell will just only filled with the first people who were unlucky to be born long long time ago (people in Adam's time and Noah's time) and the people who has no contact with other men.

What were the apparations of Mary then? Don't you know that satan can transform himself into an angel of light? He could transform into Mary, into your relatives who are dead already, into your priests, into Popes, into everything that can deceive you. The bottomline is: there is no such thing people who are dead already to come to live and send message. It must be Satan.

2 Corinthians 11:14

And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

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