Friday 20 June 2008

My Family's Big Testimony (Part II)

My friends, mungkin saat ini kamu masih melihat embel2 Jermanku, kalian pikir aku sombong, aku mau pamer tentang studiku, berasal dari keluarga berada, dsb. Mungkin kamu berpikir aku adalah orang yang beruntung, orang yang tidak pernah kekurangan atau memiliki masalah. Semua kebutuhanku dipenuhi entah bagaimana caranya. Kamu tidak mengenal diriku yang sebenarnya kalau kamu berpikiran seperti itu.

Aku hanyalah seorang biasa, tidak ada sesuatu yang menonjol, tapi aku punya Tuhan yang hidup, Tuhan yang mampu merubah air menjadi anggur. Seperti itulah juga, Dia mengubah aku yang hina, tidak dipandang orang menjadi anak2Nya, yang mampu memancarkan terangNya yang bercahaya, mata semua orang akhirnya mampu melihat terang di diriku. Dialah yang mengangkatku tinggi, dengan catatan, aku harus terus setia dalam melakukan perkara2 kecil terlebih dahulu, dan Dia akan terus tambah2kan. Jika kamu masih melihat embel2 Jerman, Master, Engineer, dsb, tolong luangkan waktumu untuk kenal siapa aku sebenarnya di Aku hanyalah seorang yang memiliki ambisi besar bahwa Tuhan yang aku sembah, Tuhan Yesus, boleh disaksikan dimana2, terutama di Indonesia.

Kamu yang mengerti bahasa indonesia akan tahu betapa beratnya beban yang keluargaku alami di My Family's Big Testimony.

Disitu aku menceritakan bagaimana keluarga diobrak abrik iblis tanpa sisa sama sekali, hingga hanya tinggal nyawa dan kesulitan2 saja.

Rumah, mobil, deposito, bahkan anjing pun harus diambil dari kami. Papa tidak ada pekerjaan sejak Nov 2007, mama sakit2an, adik perempuanku punya banyak masalah di kantornya, 2 adikku lainnya bermasalah dengan ketakutannya bahwa suatu saat rumah bakalan diambil bank, dan memang telah diambil sejak 1 Juni kemarin, dan bahkan adikku yang terkecil terancam tidak naik karena di reportnya dia punya merah 9 biji dan hanya ada 1 kesempatan saat UAS. Secara akal manusia, hal itu benar2 sangatlah tidak mungkin, orangtuaku dipanggil menghadap gurunya untuk dipersiapkan hatinya soal kemungkinan tidak naik tersebut. Dan saat ini aku berada di penghujung kuliah masterku, jujur bilang, dana di bankku terus merosot mendekati titik nol, padahal aku musti mengerjakan thesisku, no money from my parents, no much time to work. Betapa iblis berusaha menjatuhkan keluarga kami.

Tapi disini aku tidak ingin boasting about masalah2 keluargaku dan aku sendiri. Tapi aku ingin menyaksikan betapa Tuhan itu terus terlĂ­bat di dalam keluargaku dan satu persatu semua masalah diselesaikanNya secara ajaib. Aku ingin boasting bahwa Tuhanku adalah Tuhan yang hidup, Tuhan yang menjawab doa2, doa2ku, doa2 keluargaku, doa2 dari kalian semua, my brothers and sisters yang terbeban utk berdoa bagi keluargaku. Doaku aku tulis dalam Letter for My Family. Dan satu persatu, Dia jawab.

Papaku, dia telah mengerti rencana Tuhan bahwa masalah ini adalah untuk membawanya dan keluarganya mendekat kepada Tuhan. Dia telah memberikan seluruh hatinya untuk Tuhan, dan seperti yang aku selalu tekankan, it's not magic. Begitu kamu dengan seluruh hati kamu mengaku dosa dan menyesalinya, berkomitmen untuk tidak melakukannya lagi dan meminta Tuhan hadir di hidupmu melalui Roh KudusNya, bertahta di sisa hidupmu. Dia akan benar2 hadir dan menuntunmu. Dia akan menjadi nyata, kamu secara otomatis akan menggemari segala sesuatu tentang Tuhan. Kamu akan mulai senang membaca Alkitab, bersekutu dengan saudara2 seiman, dan berdoa. Semuanya itu kamu lakukan bukan karena ibadah, bukan karena terpaksa, bukan karena kebiasaan, tapi karena kamu merasakan hubungan yang indah setiap kali kamu melakukan itu. Meskipun sekarang masalah keluargaku dan papaku begitu besar, tapi ada kedamaian di hati kami, kami tidak pernah kuatir dan ragu akan Tuhan kami, Tuhan Yesus.

Aku melihat ada regenerasi dalam diri papaku, dan aku tahu, itu bukan karena kuat dan gagahnya, atau komitmennya semata, tapi karena Tuhan telah benar2 hadir di hidupnya. Adalah kebahagiaan terbesarku, melihat papaku menerima Tuhan sebagai Tuhan dan Juruselamatnya pribadi. Dia telah Kristen sepanjang 54 tahun hidupnya, tapi tanyalah kepadanya, apakah ada perubahan besar di dalam kehidupan rohaninya? Dan aku yakin, dia akan menjawab 'ADA'.

Mamaku, dengan sakit penyakitnya mendadak secara ajaib, hilang, berhenti, dokter telah mengkonfirmasikannya. Dia sehat tanpa kekurangan suatu apapun. Dia telah menjadi wanita yang tegar, ibu yang sempurna di mata anak2nya, istri yang istimewa bagi suaminya. Tuhan angkat sakit penyakitnya dan beban2nya. Dia punya hati yang penuh kasih, freely get, freely give. Dia benar2 mampu mensupport papaku, dan adik2ku. Hubungan rumah tangga yang tadinya nyaris putus, Tuhan pulihkan bahkan saat ini, aku bisa kembali boasting, bahwa tidak ada apapun juga yang mampu memisahkan kedua orangtuaku, kecuali kematian. God hates divorce (Malachi 2:16).

Aku, ditengah2 kebutuhanku akan dana utk memperpanjang sisa hidupku di Jerman, (5.5 juta per bulan). Tuhan terus sentuh hati bosku, untuk selalu teringat akan diriku saat dia punya kerjaan, aku menjadi kesayangannya, padahal bahasa Jermanku berantakan. Aku tahu ini semata2 karena Tuhan. Juga soal thesisku, Tuhan beri aku seorang pembimbing yang mengerti keadaanku, dia mengijinkanku bekerja 2 hari seminggu dan sangat membantu dalam kelancaran studiku. Soal thesis, meskipun jauh di dasar hatiku, Tuhan telah belokkan hatiku, aku mampu menulis sesuatu untuk Tuhan berjam2, bahkan seharian penuh, hingga kuota internetku nyaris habis padahal masih tengah bulan, tapi tetap Tuhan masih memberikanku hikmat yang sangat luar biasa, meskipun waktuku banyak habis untuk menulis buat Tuhan sementara teman2ku selalu berkutat di universitas dari pagi sampai malam 5 hari seminggu. Sedangkan aku, harus bekerja, menulis untuk Tuhan, baruan thesis (thesis adalah prioritas terakhirku). Tapi Tuhan benar2 excel aku, aku mampu mengejar ketertinggalananku dan somehow, aku selalu menyelesaikan tanggungjawabku tepat pada waktunya. Aku tahu ini karena Tuhan.

Cindy, dia mulai terbiasa dengan pekerjaannya, yang tadinya super duper sibuk, sekarang dia mampu mengatasinya. Dan aku yakin dia bakalan mampu untuk berprestasi di kerjaannya.

Jeffry, dia hingga saat ini masih mencari2 Tuhan, masih sering mengeluh kalau doa2nya tidak pernah dijawab, baca Alkitab tidak mengerti, persekutuan tidak ada pertumbuhan iman sama sekali. Tapi aku tahu bahwa Tuhan ada rencana yang luar biasa atas hidupnya.

Adrian, aku benar2 ingin boasting tentang adik terkecilku ini. Dia punya nilai report 9 biji merah dan nyaris tidak naik kelas (95%). Gurunya telah memanggil dan memperingati orangtuaku. Tapi saat ini aku mau bilang, hasil bagi report kemarin, Dia sama sekali tidak ada merah dan naik kelas tanpa hasil belas kasihan gurunya, dia benar2 mendapatkannya secara murni. Praise God. I know He answered my prayers. He is awesome God. Hari ini (20 Juni) adalah hari ulang tahunnya dan dia mendapatkan kado yang sangat indah dari Tuhan, kado yang setara dengan 1 tahun studinya, kado yang akan dia ingat seumur hidupnya.

Rumah kami, sampai saat ini rumah kami telah dikosongkan dan diserahkan ke bank, masih belum ada yang mengisi. Aku punya iman, bahwa rumah itu akan kembali ke keluarga kami atau bahkan kami akan mendapatkan rumah yang lebih baik. Saat ini kami telah pindah ke rumah kontrakan, persis di depan rumah, dan disaat harga sewa sangat tinggi, rata2 14 juta, kami hanya membayar 5 juta. Praise God. Imagine, letaknya persis di depan rumah lama kami. Kami tidak kesulitan untuk pindahan. Kami seperti kumpulan pemain drama, hidup ini benar2 lucu dan menarik, penuh kejutan, bahkan kadang aku geleng2 kepala. Tuhan itu lucu ya, Dia keren, bisa2nya Dia hubung2kan satu sama lainnya menjadi sebuah gambaran, lukisan yang sangat indah, dengan judul:


Mickey, anjing kami, karena pemilik rumah kontrakan kami seorang muslim taat, dia tidak mengijinkan ada anjing ikut, dan kami tidak rela berpisah denganku. Tapi gara2 pindah tepat seberang rumah dan rumah lama kami masih belum ada penghuninya, Mickey kami taruh disana dan masih terus berada bersama2 kami.

Masalah Papa, pertama soal dana pensiunnya, setelah terancam tidak mendapatkan apa2 setelah 32 tahun bekerja, karena diberhentikan tidak hormat. Tapi Tuhan berkehendak lain, Dia sentuh hati orang2 yang mengurusinya dan aku yakin dia akan mendapatkannya. Saat ini masalahnya telah diproses dan menunggu finalisasi saja. Tanggal 17 Juni kemarin adalah ultah Papaku, dia pergi mengurusi masalah ini dan finalisasinya akan berlangsung 5 hari ke depan. Tapi, sekali lagi, aku percaya, ini pun akan menjadi hadiah ultah papa dari Tuhan, papa akan mendapatkan dana pensiunnya. Have faith, my father.

Sedangkan masalah terbesarnya, masalah banknya, aku yakin Tuhan telah mengadakan kegundahan di hati pemimpin pusatnya dan penyelidik2nya. Kasus yang tadinya telah lama beku, pelan2 mulai kembali dibuka. Saat ini telah ada penyelidikan dimulai dari pekerja2 golongan paling bawah, satu persatu diselidiki keterlibatannya, satu persatu diproses. Keadilan tidak akan pernah bisa disembunyikan, suatu saat dia pasti akan berbicara lantang. Kepolisian pun telah mulai ikut terlibat. That's good. Kami tidak takut kepada hukum, tapi kamu bersyukur karena dari penyelidikan2 inilah, kebenaran akan terungkap. Aku yakin, Tuhan akan menjawab doaku, doa teraneh dan tersulit yang pernah aku minta. Aku tidak minta lulus ujian, aku tidak minta diterima di jerman, aku tidak minta diterima kerja, tapi aku minta agar masalah keluargaku diselesaikan. Aku meminta doa yang sangat sulit kepada Tuhan karena aku tahu, Dia adalah Tuhan yang luar biasa, Tuhan yang bagiNya tidak ada yang mustahil. I believe in Him so much. Jika tidak meminta kepada Yesus, kepada siapakah aku harus berdoa?

My friends, wait and see, aku akan sekali lagi menyaksikan tentang anugerah Tuhan di keluargaku (Part III) dalam waktu dekat ini. Aku yakin, Dia telah berperkara untuk keluargaku dan kami telah memenangkan pertarungan dengan si iblis. Jika Tuhan beserta dengan kita, siapakah lawan kita? TIDAK ADA.

Aku melihat bahwa Tuhan masih terus bekerja di keluargaku, dan sekali lagi, aku tidak akan menyaksikan tentang Tuhan setelah semuanya terbukti, tapi aku ingin menyaksikan tentangNya melalui imanku. Sebelum semuanya beres, aku akan telah memberitakanNya, supaya kalian2 yang masih meragukan tentang Tuhan, atau kalian yang merasa doa2nya tidak pernah dijawab tertantang oleh imanku, tertantang untuk kenal siapa Tuhanku, Siapakah Tuhan yang begitu dasyat? Siapakah Tuhan yang mampu melakukan perbuatan2 ajaib itu?

Dan dengan lantang aku akan menjawab, 'Dia adalah Tuhan Yesus, Tuhan yang aku sembah, Tuhan yang tidak pernah tertidur, Tuhan yang hidup, Tuhan yang menjawab doa2ku 100%, Tuhan yang selalu memberikan kekuatan kepada anak2Nya yang sedang lemah, membutuhkan pertolongan.


Sunday 15 June 2008

Atheist Oooh Atheist

I have a story about philosophers of this age, learned people, wise men of the world. All of them held an panel discussion to proof that there is no God. The presenter was a young man, brilliant, super duper genius, he knows all things, big bang theory, evolution theory, einstein's relativity theory, quantum mechanic, etc. He used 2 hours to talk and talk, he tried to proof with mathematic, formulas, logics, all the things he has. People were amazed with his quality and start to believe in his theory that there is no God.

Then after 2 hour talking, he proudly challenge his audiences to ask him everything about his theory. The hall was in silence, until the old nanny raised up and began to speak, 'Young man, honestly, I can't understand all the equations you used to describe there is no such god in this world. If you used 2 hours to proof there is no god, allow me for 5 minutes to proof about God is exist.' Then she began to give her testimony about God, how He changed her life, help her, encourage her, take care of her, give her assurance, etc.

The young man started to confront her, 'Old nanny, maybe you still live far beyond our times, you still believe in something that never exist. You see now, the technology is so advanced. If at your time, influenza virus can't be cured, now we just need to go to supermarket. And during your time, no such shuttle space exist, people would think that God was in the highest sky. But, what do you see? Now we have go and back many times to the outer space and find nothing about God. Where is He? I can't feel Him? Nanny, you are too old fashion. You need to adapt with new research and technology.' Then all the audiences applauses to his comment, they are agree with this young man.

This old nanny is really a tough one, and reply, 'Ok, within 5 minutes, I have talked to you about what God has done to me, what great change in my life, what love I received from him, now it is your turn, tell me, what your atheist has done to you?'

Psalms 14:1

The fool has said in his heart, There is no God. They are corrupt, they have done abominable works, there is none that does good.

Bible said that atheist is such a fool. My friends, judge by yourself. Are you a fool or are you are wise in God's eyes?

Peace I leave with you

  • If you see the people around the globe right now, even when you see your own situation, you will find that people in the world are suffering. This kind of situation never happened before. Yes, there were famines since long time ago, but that only happened in some part of the world.
  • If you heard rumor about wars, Yes, there were many wars before, but we never experienced nuclear wars, atomic ages like now.
  • If you heard about monetary crisis, Yes I happened in Asia during 1997 with its Bubble economy, but it never happened like now in around the world.
  • The life is getting tougher and tougher. Housing mortgage, unemployment, soaring food price, clean water crisis in all countries. Where can we find our peace?

Global warming, global famine, global natural disasters, global energy crisis, global economy crisis, global war threat, global climate change. It is all about global, it is all about this world going to an end.

Not only that, right now, people are so selfish, they only think about themselves, they want to enjoy themselves. No more love toward one another, the rich men getting richer and richer, but in another part of the countries, even around us, many can't afford just to eat once a day. People begin to curse God and said, 'God, you said you are creator of this universe, you said you love your creation, you said you care about people's life. But why you give disaster to Chinese, give famine to African, give tsunami to Indonesian, give economy crisis to Zimbabwe, give civil unrest in many countries, give war threat in Middle East. Where are you God? Are you sleeping? You are crazy-respect God, you are no more God. I don't believe in you. I believe in myself, I am god. We want peace, we want love. Because you can't provide it, I will depend on myself to create my own future, the better future.'

My dear friends, if you think like that..I would be very agree with you that your god is dead, your god is sleeping, your god is crazy-respect god. You are worshipping the wrong god.

Let me tell you about my God, God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The living God, the God that is described clearly in Holy Bible, God of heaven and earth.

Since the beginning of the world, because of sin, God want to destroy the world, but because He saw there still a righteous man, named Noah. God relent, He did destroy the earth but saved Noah and his family and the animals, so that they can start anew, refresh. But still, after Noah's time, the world become more and more wicked.

  • If during that time, just adultery and homosex, but now, they have sex with animal, with dildo, with robot, with cyber partner.
  • If during that time people said that sex was taboo. Right now, they can even make love in the catedral. What will it be in the next 5 years? Maybe they will lay naked in the street.

  • If that time people who did incest was stoned. Right now, there is a father who did incest with his eldest daughter, give him 7 children.

  • If that time people people did kissing in the secret. Right now they show it in the train, in the park, in the public area.
  • If that time people honored virginity. Right now the girl about 16 years old already uncomfortable if she still virgin.
  • If that time the people dressed in noble manner. Right now, they just wear underwear or short pants walking along the streets.
  • If that time man and woman who were unmarried can't live under the same roof, now they are together, nobody know what they do in the secret, but God's eyes are everywhere.
  • If that time adultery and immorality received death penalty, now there are many poligamy, poliandry, sin partners, phedophile.
  • If that time people who lied were condemned, but now people differenciate between lies and white lies.

What's going on with this world?

Think about God, my friends? We just lived for 70 -90 years at most, we already seen the world is getting crazy. How about God? He see this from the beginning, He see the man from without impurity until without purity, what do you think about his feeling when he saw His own creation, His own image behaving like that?

If I was God, I will destroy all the world immediately. And fortunately, I wasn't God, otherwise, I will throw all the people to hell. God is still patient with us. He still knocking at your heart's door, one by one, don't want you to perish. He wants us to come to the knowledge of the Truth.

My God then fixed the time in the future, that someday, he will surely bring this world to an end. And just like Noah's time, where He took first his beloved ones to the safest place and then He destroy the world, some day in the future, He would also take His children up (rapture) before He destroy everything and start anew. New heaven and new earth.

My God never promised about the world going better and better, He even told otherwise. But if you saw Christians still can rejoice and praise the Lord even in this kind of situation or when they have terrible situation. Would you know their secret? Their secret is this: They have peace of God in their life. Jesus leave His disciples promise, peace.

John 14:27

I am leaving peace with you. I am giving you my own peace. I am not giving it to you as the world gives. So do not let your hearts be troubled, and do not let them be afraid

What promise or peace is that? It is personal between Jesus and his disciples, the ones who believe in Him, who have faith in Him. The promise is this: He guarantee us, his disciples to have mansion in heaven, our name written there. The moment that the world going to an end, the moment we rejoice, since we know that He will come again and will welcome us into His presence. What a blessed assurance. No matter what the world offered to us. Global everything, we care less, we see the better future in Him, heaven open to receive us.

John 14:1-4

Do not let your hearts be troubled. Believe in God, believe also in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house. If there were not, would I have told you that I am going away to prepare a place for you? And if I am going away to prepare a place for you, I will come again and will welcome you into my presence, so that you may be where I am. You know where I am going, and you know the way.”

The more we see pain in this world, the more we long to be in heaven. We got assurance from our God, 100% sure. That before He would destroy the world, He would take His Children first so we will not experience the Wrath of God, the Hellfire, Armageddon War, The Final Judgment of the Lord.

If you want to know the Bible prophecy about the end times, the last chance for the people around the world to repent before he destroys this, my friends.

Matthew 24:7-14

For nation will rise up in arms against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. But all these things are only the beginning of the birth pains.”Then they will hand you over to suffering and will kill you, and you will be hated by all the nations because of my name. Then many people will fall by the way and will betray one another and hate one another. Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people, and because lawlessness will increase, the love of many people will grow cold. But the person who endures to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

My friends who are not yet believe in Jesus, the Bible was written almost 2000 years ago, but now we see how one by one the prophecies in it is being fulfilled.

  • wars
  • famines
  • earthquakes
  • christian persecution
  • people betray one another and hate one another
  • many false prophets appear and deceived many people
  • lawlessness will increase
  • love of many people will grow cold
  • the Gospel will be proclaimed throughout the world. Do you know that Gospel now spread greatly in China, Rusia, India, Japan and even Iran and Pakistan.

Would you believe in my God, so we can share inheritance in heaven, my beloved friends? Invite Jesus as your personal Savior, just called on his name, tell Him all about your sins, ask for his forgiveness. And ask him to give you a new mind, a new spiritual body, the body filled with his Holy Spirit. Invite Jesus right now before it is too late for you. When the rapture took place, you will be left in this world, and feel the Wrath of God, the Final Judgment of the Lord. You don't deserve to be left behind, my friends. Jesus is our Saviour.

This is not magic, you will not feel anything change in the twinkling of an eye, but gradually, you will begin to have great desire to know more about Jesus, about God, about the way of salvation, about the insurance of our heaven.

Read the Bible, pray continually, have fellowship with other believers

Jesus loves you

I do love you

Are you parent already? If you are a parent with little child, you would know what I am trying to pass to you. Right now, I am unmarried, I never know how it feel to be a parent. But I am the firstborn child in my family with 3 younger sister and brothers.

As parents, you would like to see your children happy, well cared, you like to see the smile in their eyes, right? You would do anything to always see their smile even by sacrificing yourself. I begin to remember about my mother again. When I was young, I was so selfish, I never thought about others, just myself. Once, when I had dinner with my mother and siblings, we ate fish, really delicious fish, cooked by my mother. She looked her children, she knew that we liked it so much. Then, suddenly she divided her fish for 4 of us, and she just ate the head of the fish. Then, I laughed at her and asked, 'Mom, why you looked like a cat, you like to eat fish's head?'

Also as big brother in the family, I care so much about my siblings. One day, I saw them enjoy drinking some kind of syrup (if you are indonesian, you will know what I mean, it just put some ice, and water and some coloring and flavor). I knew from my teacher that is not healthy. Then, no matter how my siblings enjoying it, I took it and threw it to the street. They cried and at home they told about my behaviour to my mother, and my mother was angry with me, why I made my siblings crying.

Do you understand what I tried to pass with those 2 messages?

Sometime people can't see the love that other people have. As I laughed to my mother who just ate fish's head. I never knew until I am mature enough about her love for me. And as my younger siblings never knew about my love to them until they are reach some level of understanding.

I am not trying to justify myself here. Not at all. But I want you to understand why I did this. I gain nothing by doing it, even I losing many things, I lost my time, I lost my friends, I lost my appetite, I can't sleep and even more, people cursed me, yelled at me, think I am hypocrite, liar, self-righteous, and some of them maybe want to kill me because I confronted them so much.

What profit I do get from you? Tell me! Am I asking you something in exchange? I am sorry if my articles seemed to condemn or judge you. But I never did it with my own judgment. Bible is the one who judge you. As the person who are privilege to know God first, I try to pass it to you. Freely get, freely give. Maybe some of you not mature enough in the Lord, you can't see the danger of joking with God, playing around with your eternity. But I know, that beside God is Love, He also Just. I will throw you to hell, if you never received Jesus in your life. And if you had received Jesus, it doesn't necessarily mean that your heaven is sure.

Just once in your lifetime invite Jesus to your life, no regeneration, no differences with others, still under law of flesh, not live a holy life, but you already believed that heaven is for you, you will regret it someday in the future, when Jesus said,

Matthew 7:21-24
Not everyone who keeps saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will get into the kingdom of heaven, but only the person who keeps doing the will of my Father in heaven.
Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, we prophesied in your name, drove out demons in your name, and performed many miracles in your name, didn't we?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Get away from me, you evildoers!’

Maybe you can't understand me, but as I took the syrup from my siblings and threw it away. I do also confront you with your sinful life, your wrongdoing, your shameless attitude. No matter how you talk bad about me, think that I am hypocrite, mad man, liar, without love, false teacher, I accepted it. You can come to me and slap my right cheek, I will give you the second chance to slap my left cheek. But please, do not joke with your eternity. If you found I accuse you wrong, or teach you something not written in the Bible, I do ask your apology and If you can't accept it, I will come to you and kneel down before you, begging your mercy. But once again, please think about what I tried to pass to you.

Thank you. God bless you


My Reason for Posting many Hard Articles

To all my Christian and Catholic friends...

I am really sure that some of you now have hatred toward me because of the way I am confronting you with something you believe. No matter how I try to justify myself in front of you right now, I would look like a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal.

I really care less about what other people think about me. But, please to the one who think that I have the Word but lack of love, let me for the very first time, give my reason to you why I did it.

First of all, I did it intentionally. I confronted people with their wrongdoing, their sinful life, their shameful attitude, I condemned their sins, their acts, their behaviour. You will think that I am too harsh and most of you would think that I have no love in my messages. You are welcome to say like that.

If you read my articles, you will see the differences between me and other preacher who also used MP to spread the Gospel. If most of them talk about Love of God, Blessing of God, everybody would like it. Many big churches, famous pastors sometimes commercialize it, they make books, CDs, etc. They gain wealth from it because people in the world like it. But I chose unpopular side by talking about Justice of God. God who spared not the ancient world during Noah's time, God who spared not Sodom and Gomorrah, God who spared not his angels who sinned, God who spared not Israel, his chosen nation, and God who even spared not his only begotten Son, Jesus Christ. You should familiar with these words 'Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?'

I want you to know the side of Jesus you don't want to see. His Justice. I would preach to everybody like there would be no tomorrow, like I would never see them again. In the next 5 minutes, anything could happen, God can call anybody all the time, or rapture can take place anytime. This is my love, this is my intention that hardly can be seen by you. I don't want you to miss your heaven. I don't want you to believe that you are already get your heaven, which in fact, that's just your imaginary heaven, heaven that never exist. I want you to think seriously about your eternity. I want you not to joke with God.

I will do anything to do that, if I have to confront you with the Bible, I will do it, if I have to tell your mistakes against the Bible, I will do it. Especially in this MP, people could easily read and go, never read anymore. I always think how the best way that within that short time, I would be able to make them tremble and ask God...'God, is this mad man, Alvin, telling the truth or he just another false teacher, another drug seller in the station who want to advertise himself using God's Word.'

The reason I used harsh words is because I believe so much in teamwork. I never tried to winning soul to Christ for myself, I care less about crown in heaven. I really don't care about who will harvest the soul, I just care about God's business, to bring soul to heaven. I want to be involved in making angels in heaven rejoice, hold a party for every soul come to heaven.

I would say right now, I look like a sower, who sow the seeds, some of them were eaten by birds (they read my messages but get nothing, even pissed off, they even remove me from their contact), some of them fell on rocky places, some of the fell on thorns. They are agree with me for some time but then leave. And some of them fell on good soil. My message start to quickening in their heart, they become uncomfortable about their sinful life and start looking for answer.

I really believe in teamwork in God's field. Some people make the soil ready, other sow the seeds, water them, and harvest them. But God is the one who makes the seeds grow. Right now, because of my limitance, I can't be with you to show myself, who am I. I am the one who can only say such a word but not able to do that. I do what I preach. God also put burden in my heart about my country, Indonesia. I really want them to know the truth about Christ. Right now, I am looking partners who have the same burden to share our burden one another, to pray for our country until God's hands come down greatly in Indonesia. Indonesia with its situation right now, need touch of God. There is no other way to help our people, our nation, except by God's power.

The method I used seem peculiar too. But it is also wisdom from God. I learned from Apostle Paul. He used hard teaching, but also he showed love in it. You can easily see his love since he already finished his race and you have seen the effect from his life. But, how about me? Can't you see love in my life? Don't answer it, it is just retorical question.

Do you know why in some cases, he wrote two letters for the same people/person, e.g: Corinthians, Thessalonians, Timothy. If you read through all the first letters, he gave so much instruction, warning, rebuking, correction, etc. His letters are really hard teaching.

Then, after quite some time (you would not think that he send 2 letters at the same time right?) he sent the second letter to build up the faith of the church there. It can be seen here after his first letter full of correction and warning, he wrote in the second letter like this...

2 Corinthians 7:9-10
Now I rejoice
, not that you were made sorry, but that you sorrowed to repentance: for you were made sorry after a godly manner, that you might receive damage by us in nothing. For godly sorrow works repentance to salvation not to be repented of: but the sorrow of the world works death.

I do believe in teamwork and I do believe in godly sorrow works repentance to salvation.

Saturday 7 June 2008

To all Christian and Catholic Friends: Open your Eyes and See (English Version)

link from my multiply I dealt with most of Catholic would say there. Feel free to see there.

Note: To all my friends, especially to catholic friends, who believe in Jesus Christ, I beg your understanding that through this article, I am not trying to write something against you. We are the same, we are just the sheep who need a good shepherd. And as we both know, there are so many shepherds in this world, and most of them are not good shepherds.

There is a shepherd who ready to die for his sheep, and if he lost one of his sheep, he will leave others sheep in the safe place and go to find the lost one. He will take us up when we fell down on the hill, he will take care of our injuries. But there are also shepherds who just want to take advantages from us, cut off our wool, kill and eat our meat, etc..

Here I am trying to open your eyes to see what the real catholic church is. I really don't have anything against you, but I am against that institution, that church, that office of papacy, that Roman Catholic Church. But, if up until now, my words already offended you, I ask you to stop reading and find another articles because I don't want to have any strife here, but unity in Jesus Christ.

Once again, we are just like a child, with innocent faith which believe in anything taught to us. We are sheep that need guidance from the good shepherd. We don't want to be lost forever, do we? I hope there will be no strife or anger here, but if it still occurs, let me myself take the responsibility here because of my ignorance.

If you are angry and want to curse me, even try to end my life. I don't care, I am already satified with 24 years of my life. I write these articles for God not for fame, name, praise, or etc. For me, those things are rubbish. My will is God is honored and I will always be humbled. If because of this article, many of you hate me, I ready to be blamed because deep down in my heart, I want to see you, all my friends, in heaven. God will help us who are sincere to know the Truth. He has given us Bible to differenciate right from wrong and through His Spirit, He enable us to know His Word, His Will, His Justice.

I am just God's servant who try my best to live based on my vision that God gave me, to present a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless (Eph 5:26-27). I hope that you who will agree with me will never offend the Catholic believers, because once again, we are just sheep who need a good shepherd.

Ephesians 6:12
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

And one of principalities, powers, rulers of darkness, spiritual wickedness is Roman Catholic Church. Once again I would clarify, it has nothing to do against you, you and I are sheep, but it has something very serious against that institution, that church, that office of papacy, who has deceived many people.

I did the same for my own churches, my own people through my articles entitle Are you Pharisee or Scribe or... and Are you Hypocrite or God's child? My videos also show something against famous preachers from 'Christian' (Joel Osteen, Billy Graham, Benny Hinn, Rick Warren). You can say that my religion is false when you see those people, that's true. No religion could lead us to the knowledge of the Truth. That's why Jesus came to this world to give us His Gospel (Good Message) that can lead us to heaven. But he never taught us to be religious people, NOPE, he taught us to be his disciples by following the Word of God, written in the Bible. We are saved by faith, not because good deeds. But faith need to be proven from what you do as well. Faith without deeds is dead. Am I right?

Here are videos about some preachers who denied the Bible as the whole Truth, see also the link on comment to see more.

And here also video about person who are very religious but without Jesus in her life. She felt lonely and had crisis in faith

As a normal human being, I myself still lack in many things, I still have so many rooms for improvement. I want to learn more and more. A journey of thousands miles begins with a single step. No improvement can be obtained if we didn't move, and harsh and severe condition could help us to improve greatly, I would rather choose that way through my posting. But before we move to far, allow me to ask your belief. Do you believe that Jesus is the only way leads to heaven? I myself believe so much in this matter. How about you?

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes to the Father, but by me.
And the second questions is: Do you agree with me that the way to heaven is never easy, Jesus himself use word 'strive'? Does strive mean easily gained, e.g: only by being baptized, only by being in communion every Sunday, once in our life join catechism class, married in the church, died in the church, even with letter from Vatican? Does that strive mean? Do you agree with me that it is not strive? Was Jesus lying when He said so? Is Jesus or your preacher who lying? Going to heaven is never easy, we need to strive and through many hardships to enter the kingdom of God (Acts 14:22)
Luke 13:24
Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say to you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able.

If you are not agree with me, please stop reading further, because it will only lead to more and more arguments, more and more quarrels, more and more ungodliness. Only sincere heart who can go to heaven which when rebuke or correction comes, it won't be sceptical but dilligently search the Truth by asking 'God of heaven and earth, is this young man, Alvin, telling us the truth with his article or he just a mad man?'

I consider many of you never done what I will present later, you just pray and worship Jesus. That's good, I am happy to hear that. In christianity, you can differenciate between hypocrite and genuine born again Christian. The same thing is valid in Catholic, maybe you are not too deep in their practice, you just follow what they taught, but not 100% obedient to its teaching. I would call you as moderate, lukewarm, serving 2 masters, but in this case, I rejoice in my heart to know you are such that person, since I have chance to open your eyes.

But if you think that you are God's children, 100% sure, Jesus is the one and only Saviour, please do not joke with God, my friends. You who live arrogantly, ignorantly because your pastor teach you that 'once saved forever saved', you think no matter how much sins you have commited, in the end, God will still justify you just because once in a lifetime, you have invited Jesus and been baptized, but your life stays the same, no regeneration. You are too naive, my friends.

7 x 24 hours minus 2 hours (fellowship in the church) you live like pagans a week. You just 'maintain' your holy life in the church, after that, you go again into the world and love the world, accept everything the world gives you, and you said you are genuine Christian. I am pity you. You are joking with God, not men.

1 Thessalonians 4:7-8

For God did not call us to impurity but to holiness. Therefore, whoever rejects this instruction is not rejecting human authority but God, who gives you his Holy Spirit.

You think you are strong enough, rich enough, great enough, you don't need God's grace, God's mercy in your life. The same thing will apply in heaven after you end your quest in this world. God doesn't necessarily need you in His dwelling place. My friends, please listen to me: You need to serve God only.

My brothers and sisters, now is not too late for you to leave, this is my 3rd recommendation, feel free to see my other posting, avoid posting with controversial label on it!

Here is my first step, my controversial posting (if you choose to read, read till the end). PS: I never accuse something without strong proof, you need to see the link I provided for more revelation. I did research, did interview, and most important things, I did compare all my literatures with Bible.


Have you been questioned in your Primary school about True/False Questions? Do you miss that moment? I want to ask you some questions, you are free to answer, just answer quietly, you don't need to tell anybody else about your answer, just between you and God. But there is only one correct answer for each question according to Bible point of view.

PS: I don't care about any other doctrines, philosophies, textbook, and any other wisdom of the world, so please, if you are not agree with my answer here because of your human wisdom, just go and leave, block me as your friends (after you read fully all of my writing). Leave no comments based on your own judgment. I don't need it.

Once again: Go and leave no comment, may the Spirit of God disturb you again and again until you said, 'God, it is enough, I don't want you to disturb me again'. Your blood is upon your head, not mine. I have saved my soul from your iniquities.

Ezekiel 3:18-19

When I say to the wicked, You shall surely die; and you give him not warning, nor speak to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at your hand. Yet if you warn the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but you have delivered your soul.

#First Question: What should the cross look like?

But can you see this picture?

See that cross, isn't it inverted cross, antichrist symbol? Was it not CNN live? How can Catholic Church related with inverted cross? Maybe there is some manipulation with this picture, you can see more in video here

Their argument: inverted cross is based on Peter crucification, he invertedly crucified. But let me ask you something, is Jesus' cross or Peter's cross which lead to salvation? Is Jesus or Peter your Saviour?

Again you reasoned 'That was Pope Paul II, Pope could be wrong, now the CHURCH already back to Christ'. Ok, go and look in front of your mirror, and do what you usually do after you pray, touch your forehead, your center of chest (heart), your left shoulder then right shoulder. In the name of God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Ghost. What do you see? You make inverted cross again, antichrist symbol again, You said your CHURCH already has changed. No, they are not. They are trying to mislead you, my friends.

#Second Question: Which one who has pure, holy, blameless, without sin heart?

Does Bible say that Mary has the same heart like Jesus? Mary and the saints have lived very faithful lives, I am very agree, but each of them finally died and never rose up again. That means they are human being, like us. We are human but Jesus is God, How can human be in equality with God? On the third day after his crucifixion and death, He resurrected, Jesus is alive, Mary is not. Mary can't be compared with Jesus. She is much lower than Jesus. she was just a humble servant. She herself said 'I am the Lord's servant, may it be to be as you have said.' (Luke 1:38, 48)

#Third Question: Which one was raised up to heaven?

Since when Mary was raised up to heaven like Jesus? Does Bible tell so? Please do not make such argument by telling there is no bones, no tomb. Too absurb for me. I had a dog which died and buried 8 years ago, I know the place where I buried him. Do you think if I dig it again I would see my dog's bones? Can I really say that my dog is in heaven now? You said, you have faith, faith need to have strong base as well. Bible and Holy Spirit are the bases for your faith. Is their arguments written in the Bible or not?

Some people thought they met Holy Spirit, but if their testimonies contradicted with Bible, what are those then? Those are evil spirits. And reading the Bible without Holy Spirit could only lead to confusion, in the end, you will just justified yourself with the Bible. How can blind lead other blind? They will both fall into the ditch.

#Fourth Question: Which one is King of kings, Lord of lords?

But why Mary sits on the throne which suppose to be belong to Jesus? Is something wrong here? Do you know that our God is a jealous God? He will never ever share his glory to other. Is Mary your God? You said Mary is Jesus' mother. Agree, but that was in flesh. Jesus had no father (in flesh) and have no mother (in heaven realm). Do you get it?

Why there is always yellow circle like a sun behind every saints' head? Don't tell me, it is god of Sun. Moses had radiant face, but that was in his face, not behind his head.

to see what is that, please click here

#Fifth Question: Which one is Word of God?

Then why your Bible always stay on your shelf, never been read? Why you go to church with Catholic book of Prayers? Why Bible verses are always put in the liturgy but not the songs' lyric? Shouldn't it is put vice versa? Put the songs' lyric in the liturgy and bring the Bible to the church. Is that not the correct one? Think about it!! Please say not Bible is heavier than another book as your answer.

#Sixth Question: Which one is worthy to be praised, honored, glorified by men?

But why many people see Pope like see God? You can see from their eyes, even from your own mirror, why your eyes see him like see God? Why people think that Pope is never false, always right? His words are absolutely correct, follow and obey. Did some of Popes do evil by selling indulgences, moving people to kill others in Crusade? If you said Pope could be wrong, but church not, then why your eyes like that? Why you see him like see God?

#Seventh Question: Which one should be worshipped by men?




To see more about idol worshipping, please see in about FATIMA.

Can the Creator of heaven and earth be kept in his own creation, even his own creation's creation like this statue? Must God be seen by your eyes to be believed by you? Learn from the wind, you can't see it, but you can feel it. The same thing with God.

Do not be deceived, maybe this one is your religion, you think you are worshipping God, but I tell you the truth, NOPE, you are not. You, by your institution, are led to do something against God unconciously. Please read your Bible and see, my friends. Maybe right now you are not aware that you are walking in the wrong path, turn back and find the truth!!

Now maybe you are shocked and confused, you don't believe your own eyes, or maybe you still don't believe me, you think I fabricated these lies, then please continue to read further.

For more detail about act of worship, e.g: kissing Pope hand, etc

Matthew 23:9

And don't call anyone on earth ‘Father,’ for you have only one Father, the one in heaven

You know what Pope means? Pope literally means Papa (Father). You will not acknowledge him with the same attitude like you do to your own father, right? He is worthy to get more respect than any other else, isn't he? If he is more than any person in this planet, even George Bush bow down himself before him. Is he in the same level with God himself?

If not, why you call him 'Holy Father'? Is not that act of worship? Don't you know that by saying 'Pope, Holy Father, Pope, Holy Father, bless us.' You are already against Matthew 23:9. You put yourself in danger of wrath of God.

Do not agree with me? Pope is not Holy Father? Then look here with your own eyes how the wikipedia declare that Holy Father is Pope (point no 2 and 3)

Please do not leave, you already made decision to read, so read it further.

Now, looked at the bent cross in the hand of Pope. What does it mean?

Again I quote from one literature, it is a sinister symbol, used by Satanists in the sixth century, that had been revived at the time of Vatican Two. This was a bent or broken cross, on which was displayed a repulsive and distorted figure of Christ, which the black magicians and sorcerers of the Middle Ages had made use of to represent the Biblical term 'Mark of the Beast'. Yet, not only Paul VI, but his successors, the two John-Pauls, carried that object and held it up to be revered by crowds, who had not the slightest idea that it stood for anti-Christ."

The Church, not to see Jesus always hang on the cross dead, never rise up. They would never admit that Jesus has risen up and sit next to God the Father. My friends, stop being ignorant!! Open your eyes and see, Be wise!! Jesus died on the cross as atonement for your sin, He has risen. Be awake from your sleep, open your eyes and see. In Jesus' name. Think about this seriously!!

Hebrews 9:25

Nor did he go into heaven to sacrifice himself again and again, the way the high priest goes into the Holy Place every year with blood that is not his own

Now, let's talk about idolatry, maybe in your mind, idols need to be scary, bloody, devilish beast. What do you think about this?

For more type of idolatries, you can refer to

Ok, you can say: 'It is not idol, we don't worship it. That's just an ornament in our home to symbolize that we are Catholic family, to make our home look holier, it is the same like Christian with their Bible, praying continually'. Ok, you can say that again. But how about this?

Is this only an ornament to make your home holier? Don't you see that people pray earnessly? Is it not act of worship? You reason that statue is Jesus' mother, should be honored with double or even 1000-ple respect. Ok, you can say that again. But how about this?

Are not they worshipping the Pope's statue too? Do you still reason that you don't do that? If you never do that, Good, I am happy to know that. But please be careful because your church, your institution, they try to mislead you, to make you against God. They want you to offense the second commandment in decalogue: You shall not make to you any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. Do not worship Mary and Pope, God alone who is worthy to be praised. He is a jealous God.

How can pope dead body still be worshipped? Do you not believe me? See here

How about that circle bread, that you receive every Mass?

Do you know that symbolized the god of sun that was worshipped by Egyptians? Look also at the rod in the Pope's hand. It looks similar with the sun relic above, doesn't it? Wow, even Pope himself worship the god of sun. Just think a bit, if the shepherd worship the other god, what will he teach to the sheep? Are you not aware that at the moment they are trying to mislead you to follow them?

See here the corelation between god of sun and catholic chuch

Or here for more detail one

Look at this bread, round like the sun, is not it? If you ate it, you unconciously are worshipping the god of sun, worship Baal. The church said, you personized Jesus to this bread. I said you meditated to personize Baal to this bread and you ate it.

Maybe up until now, you never ask why you do this and that, why you go to church bringing the Catholic book of prayers not Bible? Why, why, why? It is because they don't want you to be like Martin Luther again. You yourself should know, which one was right? Roman Catholic at that time or Martin Luther? You think your church has changed to the right direction? NOPE, they are going to more error. They are trying to make you never read the Bible because they are afraid that if you read the Bible, your eyes will be opened and you will escape from them. My friends, open your Bible, invite Jesus to come to your heart, ask for Holy Spirit to enable you to understand Holy Bible.

How about Mass (Eucharist)?

You attend it every Sunday, even most of you come to the church just to join the Mass. Many of you think that if you received the wine and the bread every week, you are saved. You have been deceived, my friends. Those things don't mean anything, they just the same like the food and water you eat or drink everyday. Physical things can't save your life, you need spiritual thing, you need Holy Spirit of God.

How can bread and wine transform into the body and blood of Jesus? By faith? You know what faith means? Faith is being sure what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. THAT'S FAITH. But why, your church want to personize the blood and body into the bread and wine literally? That contradict the faith, must you see first then you would like to believe? You are lack of faith if you do that.

This is what they teach you : The consecrated bread and wine which according to the faith become the body and blood of Christ. (see from minute 3:00 you will find about the Mass)

The Bread of Life and the Lamb of God's blood are the things that save your life, not the bread and wine. The Bread of Life is this, if you eat His Word, read your Bible continually, it is as sweet as honey in your mouth, if you pray to your Father in heaven, it will refresh your soul, like a river of living water in your life to ease your thirty. You will never be hungry and thirsty anymore. That's it, no other argument. The Last Supper is just as remembrance of Jesus, but lead not to salvation.

By doing mass, once again, you unconciously, repeat the day before Jesus was crucified and died. You unconciously involve in his crucification again and again, you unconciously send his to Golgota every week. Jesus' body and Jesus' blood need to be spilt out again and again for your sin. You unconsiously are the same as the Pharisees who shouted 'Crucify him!! Crucify him!! You curse your own God, my friends.

Are you angry with me? Hold your peace, my friends. And as you have decided to read even after I warned you three times to leave. You have to hold your words. In the end of this article, I will give you chance to curse me. Don't worry about that. Continue reading and start involving Jesus and Bible in your life.

How about incense?

Isaiah 1:13

Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination to me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting.


Have you read in the Bible that you will never inherit Kingdom of God by doing those things? You will end up being an idolatrous rather than believers, if you keep staying in that CHURCH.

1 Corinthians 6:9-11

You know that wicked people will not inherit the kingdom of God, don't you? Stop deceiving yourselves! Sexually immoral people, idolaters, adulterers, male prostitutes, homosexuals, thieves, greedy people, drunks, slanderers, and robbers will not inherit the kingdom of God. That is what some of you were! But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ and in the Spirit of our God

Galatians 5:19-21

Now the works of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity, promiscuity, idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, rivalry, jealously, outbursts of anger, quarrels, conflicts, factions, envy, murder, drunkenness, wild partying, and things like that. I am telling you now, as I have told you in the past, that people who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God

My beloved friends, wake up from your dream, from your imaginary heaven, heaven that never exist. As God said

Revelation of John 18:4-6

And I heard another voice from heaven, saying, Come out of her, my people, that you be not partakers of her sins, and that you receive not of her plagues. For her sins have reached to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. Reward her even as she rewarded you, and double to her double according to her works: in the cup which she has filled fill to her double.

Believe in Jesus Christ alone. Repent and ask God forgiveness, Invite him as your Savior, Lord of your life. Ask his guidance, and He will surely help you. Jesus is knocking at your heart's door.


Once again, I never accuse you, as Catholic fellow, but I am against that Catholic church, just like Martin Luther against the Catholic church at his time, I also want to stand against Catholic. I will never keep silent unless I died. If you who offended and try to convert me, you are going to dead end. It is either you kill me or you will see many are being fleed from that Church. I want to make other converts to Jesus, whom shall convert me?

And If you want to curse me, My name is Alvin. Remember me in your prayer, ask God to deal with me, and as Balak summons Balaam to curse Israel, instead of cursing Israel, God used Balaam bless them. If you cursed me, I am blessed.

Matthew 5:11-12

Blessed are you, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you

And if some of you want to kill me like more 40 men did when they made an oath not to eat or drink until they had killed Paul (Act 23:12-22). If you hate me so much like that. Good. Let's see how God will deliver me. I am not stupid enough to give my address, though some of you already know. Then come and take my life, my friends.

Or after I finished my Master Program I will come back to Indonesia to preach to Gospel, to bring Revival in Indonesia. That one is my dream, if you are against it, kill me before it happened. You can wait for that, it won't be too long from now, I am writing my Thesis. Summon all the people from all over Indonesia if you like too, I am not afraid. God will always be with me. Like Elijah alone against all the people in Israel, against 450 prophets of Baal, against 400 prophets of Asherah. God delivered him, he will deliver me as well. Or, if God stand still, doing nothing, deliver me not, I will never curse him, He is my God, JESUS IS MY SAVIOR.

If I had to die persecuted, I believe that what I sow doesn't come to life unless it dies. I want to see revival in Indonesia. Either I see it or I died.

1 Corinthians 15:36

You fool, that which you sow is not quickened, except it die.

My friends, who are agree with me, if I really died, please continue the fire, for the Kingdom of God is like a mustard seed. I am a lowly person, I am like mustard seed, but I believe the fire that I brought would ignite and a mustard see will grew and became a tree through all of you. Thank you. Jesus loves us

Luke 13:19

It is like a mustard seed that someone took and planted in his garden. It grew and became a tree, and the birds in the sky nest in its branches.”

Praise the Lord, Jesus is my Savior