Thursday 11 September 2008

I want Freedom

Two days ago, I talked with my American neighbour. He just came from US to study in Germany. I asked him, 'Are you Christian?' He said, 'I don't have religion. I do believe that there is God, I believe there is afterlife, but I don't want to be religious. God just limit my freedom. I don't want to be subjected to Him.'

Freedom...Freedom...Everybody wants to be free. If you think your religion limits your freedom, rules your life with human commands and teaching like: Do not handle! Do not taste! Do not touch! I will agree with you. It better if you don't have any religion. But, my friends, with or without religion, still, you will find that you can't find your absolute freedom.

Your mom at home will yell at you if you went home late, police will arrest you if you break the law, even your own dog will bite you if you offence his freedom. Conciously or unconciously, we don't have 100% freedom. We will always be under subject of somebody or something. It because everybody want to have their freedom too, you are not the only one in this planet who want to be free. Don't be selfish, my friends. The more you want to be free, the more you will realize that you are under subject of something or somebody. Do you not agree with me? Try it by yourself then. Learning by doing is the best way to understand, right?

You want to be free to do whatever you like, right? Why you hold yourself? Be free, be outspoken, do whatever you like, say whatever you want to say. Break the law, do not listen to instruction, advice, rules, etc. Go and be free! Free as you want to be.

I believe that you will say to me, 'Uh, oh, eh, Alvin. I think you misunderstood me. Yes, actually I want to be free, but not that free. I will, of course, subjected to law, rules, authorities, etc. What I really mean is this: I want to do freely the things which didn't harm other people's freedom.

My question is: what kind of thing is that? Is there anything in this world in which doesn't have any implication to others? How about freedom for doing sexual immorality with your sin-partner? You like it so much, huh? You wish you can do it freely without your pastors, your parents condemn you, right?

You called it freedom? Oh, yes. You are right, my friends. But your freedom will only last for a moment. Don't be short-sighted, ok? I would suggest you, if you cannot control yourself, go and marry, for it is better to marry than to burn with passion (1 Corinthians 7:9).

Hey, I am 25 year old, I am a man too. I know that kind of temptation. This is my greatest weakness too. I really know for sure that devil will always try to shoot me down through this temptation and etc. People said that at 20-30 is the peak of sexual arousal, but that makes no sense to me, even a 14 year old boy/girl or 70 year old grandpa/grandma can commit immorality. I am not talking that I am saint, you are sinner. There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23). What I am talking about is this: you are not the only sinner in this world, all are sinner, but if you choose to stay there forever, you will be in hell, under Satan's yoke forever, for the wages of sin is death (Romans 6:23). You can choose not to be there, not to be under Satan's yoke, to be free through the Gospel of Christ, through knowing the Truth.

John 8:32

And you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

Let me try to convince you. I was a sinner and even until now, without God's grace upon me, it is easy for me to fall into temptation. I did masturbation everyday before I was born again. I was a wretch until God saved me. I know the pleasure doing that. And because of I always doing that, my mind was poisoned, my eyes were lustful, I always talked dirty jokes with my friends, always imagined something lustful and always burned in passion. Until I came to my conciousness and asked myself 'What am I doing? Is it worthy to have pleasure for 10 minutes but condemned in hell?'

Ok, let's stop talking about Hell because you will then think that I am threatening you. I don't want your itching ears make you leave prematurely. Continue reading this article at least until I am finish talking about the implication of sexual immorality.

Masturbation, watch porn movies just the beginning of evil desire. The worse implication await you. Let me ask you direct questions. We are already adult, we can differenciate right from wrong. It is between you and me, so don't accuse anybody around you, I know more than 80% young couples fall into this sin. But it doesn't mean that wrongdoing can be considered right if many people also fall onto it, does it? No matter how many people commit the same error, how long the error has been there, once it was an error, forever it will be error.

Here are my direct questions:

  • Have you ever thought of getting HIV virus? Ok, you used condom, but how about your saliva?
  • Is your sin partner the one and only partner you have? Or you always change your partners? You should know the more often you change partners, the higher to possibility for you to get AIDS.
  • Have you ever thought about you or your sin partner being pregnant? Do you know that it just need 1 single sperm out of millions to give you next generation? The more you do it, the higher the possibility of getting pregnant, right?
  • Have you ever considered that condom can also has failure? Read what research said about condom failure, my friends. don't just poisoning yourself with FHM, Penthouse, Playboy, etc. It tells us that 8 failure of 100 users = 1 out of 12.5. You know what it means? Every 13 sexual penetration you do, 1 of them has high probability give you a baby.

Bible said, 'but each one is tempted when, by his own desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it full-grown, gives birth to death (James 1:14-15). My friends, you should know that no sin shall go unpunished. You will reap what you sow, sooner or later. Bible clearly explain what happened to each of us, 'When the sentence for a crime is not quickly carried out, the hearts of the people are filled with schemes to do wrong (Ecclesiastes 8:11). Do you understand this Scripture?

Let me explain it to you. For the first time you do it, you are afraid, feel so sorry for the sins you have committed. You are afraid of judgment from God. But after await for some time, you find out that nothing happened, then you will think that God is sleeping, God is blind. You start to do it for second time, third time, and it continues until you are addicted onto it. You can't now even to live without it and you now can say, 'I don't care about God, He is sleeping. What I do really care is this: I want to have this great pleasure forever.'

Ah, how foolish you are. Do you know how God's way is? He is patient with you, wait you to come to repentance. He has His own Cup of Wrath. Every sins you commit mean every drop of liquid you pour inside that cup. He will wait until that cup is full then He will bring judgment to you. And before it is full, He keep calling you, hope you will listen and come back to Him. Kneel down and beg His forgiveness, His mercy, to repent from your wicked way and enjoy God's blessing, God's freedom.

"Alvin, what kind of freedom you talking about? I can't see any freedom by doing God's will. Do you mean that losing my pleasure, losing my sin partner, losing my night life style is my freedom? You are lying to me, Alvin. Prove me then, Jesus fanatic."

Here is my proof, my friends. Will you spend some time to listen to me?

Does that picture ring a bell? He is a patient of HIV. Up until now, there is no remedy for that illness. God wants you to be free from that. Satan is the father of lies, he always tempted you with pleasure, with what your flesh demand that in the end, it bring misery to you. If you are not afraid of that, good, I hope you are brave enough to face God's judgment in Hell soon after you die. But please, if you want to go to Hell, go alone, do not harm other people. Do not infect your partners or even worse, your own baby with your HIV virus.

Or, maybe my warning is too late for you, right now, you already infected by HIV virus. Repent, my friends. If you really repent wholeheartly and invite Jesus as your Saviour and Lord, God will help you. I can't define how God works. He doeth according to His will, not my will or your will. But I can testify that God heals and the most joy is your life is this: you will find peace in your heart. No more condemnation, you have been set free from the law of sin and death. But please, do not deceive yourself. What I am talking about is not theory or doctrine, but practical. Only you, yourself will know about your peace with God, not your pastors, your parents, etc. You will have deep conviction inside your heart, not hallucination, not dream, not imagination.

And maybe you are not infected with HIV virus yet, but you or your sin-partner are pregnant. Men are selfish. The first thing pops up in their mind is abortion. They want to cover up their sinful behaviour, they are ashamed if their wrongdoing is known by public. Then, they will begin to threat their partner, to lose him or the baby. Yes, men are selfish. Do you know that babies are gift from God? They are your own flesh and blood. Do you want to kill and reject God's gift?

God is good. He wants every mother to have joy when they are pregnant. Can you not see how happy the mother who is pregnant? They even care about their baby more than to themselves, always talk with the baby, always make sure that her baby has enough nutritions. But, it is a pity that this joy change to guilt. The moment the girl know that she is pregnant outside marriage. Both joy and guilt start to arouse.

And it is 100x more difficult for the woman to lose her baby than for the man. Women, girls, ladies....God wants you to be free from this guilt. Do you know about that? Do you still think that His command is burdensome? The moment you are doing that fornification, you become the slave of satan, slave of sin, you are under satan's yoke. God wants to you be free, to have joy in your heart.

But, in many cases, because the woman is not mature enough, because the accident happened so suddenly, they are not ready, they become short-sighted. They aborted the baby. How foolish you are. God, please have mercy on them.

Can't you see this poor baby? Why you kill him/her? You are the one who commited sins, why this poor baby has to pay the price for you, to cover up your shameful behaviour. Once you are a fornicator, adulterer, now you are murderer. Don't you have heart? Is your heart already cold and hard like a steel? Even the lions will never eat their own cubs. Are you worse than animal?

If you have done that, repent, my friends. God will forgive you. But He will never let you unpunished. You will reap what you sow. Saul persecuted early churches, but then, after he knew God, he was the one persecuted even died martyr. Zaccheus the tax collector, the moment he knew Jesus, he gave half of his possession for the poor, and he paid back four times for everything he had cheated. David commited sins with Uria's wife, God punished him. No sins left unpunished. Keep that in mind.

Go and have fun, do as your flesh demanded. Be merry, be happy, but be caution too, that someday in the future, you will reap what you sow. Or you can choose otherwise, go to your room, lock the door, kneel down before the Lord, admit all the sinful things you have committed. Repent and ask His forgiveness. He is faithful God. He will forgive you, He will take away your sin. You are not going to die, but you have to pay the price. Submit yourself to God and you will find rest, peace, joy. He will change you into new creature.

The abortion babies are in heaven now. You can be a bit comfortable, but you are still in hell if you have aborted your baby and haven't repented and invited Jesus. This is just my warning. Do not joke with God, do not play around with sins, it bring death.

If you want to be free, choose God, He will let you soar like an eagle. He will lift you higher, more than you can ever think of. God bless you.

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