My friends, what do you think about the world? Do you think that we live in a simple, innocent, pure world or wicked and fallen world? Do you think that all things around us are in order, in the way they should be? Does everything still look normal for you? If you think like that, please open your eyes wider and look around you. If you still can't find any evil around you, let me help you to see the power of darkness. If you don't believe that the devil and spirits are exist, today is your day to start believing and get saved from them.
I believe that many of us live by sight not by faith and because of that we become short-sighted and easy prey of the devil. Many of us don't even know the truth and can't discern the spirits. Do you know that music, entertainment, porn industries have their own subliminal messages to blaspheme against God, to mislead people to darkness? They are trying to put sex, rebellion, racism, brutalism, etc into our brain.
Can you see the subliminal message in this picture? Can you see the legs and a woman is masturbating herself there? See the picture on the right and neglect the hand and the head, you will see something. And this is just one among thousand upon thousand of advertisement around you
I tell you the truth, when you see advertisement and it makes you want to buy their products, you have been under their influence, conciously or unconciously. The magic spell has been casted out on you. You will be bound unto it. Do you know the reason why companies spent lot of money just to advertise their products on television for 30 seconds in every 15-30 minutes , especially during prime time when all the family gathered together and watch television? It is because the simplest and most effective way to brainwash people's mind is by repetition.
For this reason, music that people always play again and again through their Ipod or radio; advertisement that in every some minutes always repeatedly played; movie/discovery that played for 1.5-2 hours are the best method to brainwash people.
- If you heard one of the Pink's album "I wanna start a fight" and you listen it again and again, I believe sooner or later, you will conciously or unconciously become rebelious. Or "Rockstar" by Nickelback that says "we all just wanna be big rockstars and live in hilltop houses, driving fifteen cars, the girls come easy and the drugs come cheap" or 50 cents with "get rich or die trying", I believe sooner or later you will become the lover of money and drug addicts. Can you imagine what will happen if every hour you hear the same repetition? No wonder why people who always hear rock music become so rebelious and anti-society, etc. Music has changed their personalities.
- If you watch the movies "War of the Worlds" or "The earth stand still", you will conciously and unconciously learn that aliens are exist, that the Bible is wrong in saying that the heaven and earth will pass away, that it will be destroyed by fire during God's wrath. Or movie about star wars, robot, etc, you will think that the world will become better and better place to live. Bible clearly said otherwise, the world is falling and it will end soon.
- If you go to internet, you will find lot of advertisement of porn sites that anybody can access for free. Do you know that it is also the power of darkness try to lure you into sin, to tempt you and to make you fall? And if you go to that site, it is very difficult to come out unless you are satisfied. A spell has been casted out on you.
Do you realize now that the power of darkness can be found everywhere and always try to tempt you to commit sin? If you still can't agree with me, in the next 5 minutes you will see the power of darkness and get more wisdom and hopefully, you will be saved.
My friends, please bear in mind that anytime you watch movies for 1.5-2 hours, you are letting your mind to be intensively bombarded by the message that the producers want to pass. If they want to pass you subliminal messages, and there you are. The spells that you found in Harry Potter books have been casted out on you. If you listen to advertisement, for example "McDonald, I lovin' it", do you know that just with those simple words, anytime you are hungry, you will always try to find the nearest McDonald. Why? Because you are told to love it.
So, my friends, don't be surprise if everytime you see some movies, video clips or listen to music; lust, rebellious thought will start to arouse inside you. Disney films, Spongebob are part of them (please click the links for better proof). Most of the worldly music and advertisement are full of subliminal messages. Bible said that "the whole world is under the control of the evil one. We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true—even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. (1 John 5:19-20)." My friends, if we don't have Jesus, we will never have understanding. Do you know that without knowledge and understanding people perish?
Let's see more about this power of darkness that has captived every aspect of life even to the little children who still can't distinguish good and bad
Children learn about Big Bang and Evolution in school. They are taught that God doesn't exist, that we come from apes. I have not seen any school that denies evolution theory and teach about creation. Evolution is taught during the biology class and we will get bad mark if we are against evolution and refuse to write about it on exam. Why people do that? Why even in the Christian school children are taught to deny God? Is He not our Creator? Do you believe that we just came out from lightning that hit the atmosphere? Do you believe that apes are our ancestor? That's non-sense, is it not?
And not only that, if you wrongly choose the school for your children, you will never know that they will be under influence of their friends to smoke, to use drugs, to watch porn, etc. Bible said "Bad company corrupts good character (1 Corinthians 15:33)." You won't even know that the ones who teach your children might be phedophiles or homosex, etc. Please don't hand all your responsibility to the school, they are your children, your own flesh and blood. Teach them the truth about God so that you will guard your children's future.
And in many cases, the parents themselves are their bad companies. You tell me how it is possible the children to grow in right manner if their own parents can't be the good examples of living? Divorce, smoking, tattoing, piercing, drinking, abusive, anger, hatred, etc?
And when the children finished their school and back at home, they are saturated with cartoon movies. My friends, don't be surprise if you see your little children who always run here and there all the day long, soon after Disney or Spongebob cartoons are played for them, they will become very quiet, they will abandon their homework, their bed-hour and watch attentively. It looks like that they are being captived, being hypnotized with the spiritual spell that we can't see. Actually in spongebob you will often see the big eyes on your fullscreen or spiral sign, you just missed it because you think there is nothing wrong with it. They are trying to hypnotize your children.
Later on, you will find out that your children will start quoting what their favourite characters said. You see it as funny thing but if you think it is okay for them to quote that, please keep in mind that they can also quote something that they shouldn't say: lust and sex. Why? Because even cartoon has their own subliminal messages too.
Why she has to uncover her dressing? Why the word "SEX" appeared there? If you still disagree with me, don't worry. With just a little more fact, you will now be able to see the evil around you.
This is what the the adult see

Don't you think that this kind of love (sexual love between man and woman) shouldn't be introduced to little children? Be careful of its spells, your child could be one of their victims
Or when they are a little grown up, they start wanting to play games. It is just no different, my friends. Many of the games are full of blasphemy against God, e.g: World of Warcraft. Sometimes the heroes speak the words that we can't understand, but if you have spiritual gift in interpreting the tongues (language), you will notice that they are blasphemying against God, you will also notice that they are also casting the spell on you so that you will never leave your seat and spend the whole day doing nothing, just playing. You forget about your study, your life, your future, you just want to play. The power of darkness has overtook you. Just see this logo of Super Mario Galaxy. Do you see the stars under the alphabets? Read only the alphabet who has star. What do you read?
If you can't get it. Here is the clue: U R MR GAY
Bible said, "Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For everything in the world—the cravings of sinful man, the lust of his eyes and the boasting of what he has and does—comes not from the Father but from the world (1 John 2:15-16). Bible is true and the more you read Bible, the more your eyes will be opened. Praise God.
My friends, if you love the world, you will fall into the trap of satan, he will become your father. You should hate this wicked, fallen world and feel like stranger and alien on earth who looking for a country of your own, the heavenly one, to the city with foundations, whose architect and builder is God (Hebrews 11:10).
Then when they become teenager, worldly music (rock, pop, R&B, metal, etc) saturated them. I believe that this age is the most crucial time in life, we were trying to find our own selves and many of us tried to adjust ourselves with the world so that we can be accepted by the society. Some of us want to be like Britney Spears, Paris Hilton, David Beckham, and all other idols. Some of us want to be rich, some of us want to be genius, some of us want to be famous and nobody wants to be just normal. This age will determine our future. If you we ruin our life in this age, unless God change us, we will always fall trapped in the lowest bottom of society, despised and hated.
We love to read book "Rich Dad Poor Dad" "Born to be rich" "Born to be happy" "How to improve commucation skill" "How to get girlfriend in 10 days" and all other self-motivation books, etc. We love to read books about biography of rich people, famous people, great scientists, etc but we don't even care to read book about Almighty God, about our Salvation written in the Holy Bible. Why? Because we love the world more than we love God. Or for some Christians, we want to serve God but we also want to serve Mammon, we want to serve 2 masters in hope God overlook our hypocrisy and allow us to come to His holy Presence while we keep continue committing sins before Him. Nice try, but it won't work, my friends.
But once you choose to stand for the truth, the world will start mocking and calling you "nerd" "book worm" "fool" "mr nice guy", etc because you are not like them. Can you imagine that situation happen to your children? In home, they learn about Christian life but in school, the teaching of atheist (Big Bang, Evolution) saturated them and not only that: their friends, whose parents are ignorant or worldly, also influence them. If your children choose to stand firm in the foundation that you teach at home, their friends will start mocking them. It is difficult situation for them so parents, please encourage your children to stand firm in faith and pray for them.
This is what the teenager think that it is cool. Piercing, tatto, smoke, drugs, porn, heavy rock metal, emo, gothic, rebellion against rules, have a lot of boyfriends or girlfriends, etc. They should have some specific bags, suits, hair style, appearance, etc to be fitted into their community, otherwise they will not be accepted by their friends. They will feel lonely and desperate.
Bible said, "This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but men loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil (John 3:19). It is very very difficult for people to stand firm in the faith in today world. That's why I always confuse, why there are lot of "happy, joyful Christians" who never been persecuted? The only reason is: they have conformed to the world, so that the world love them as its own. It is very simple to be persecuted: speak the truth, hold onto the Bible, be like Jesus and people will start persecuting you.
In this world, people are judged by their appearance and because of that they try to be somebody else, if their friends think that they are ugly, they will do plastic surgery, breast implantation, etc. They will go to boutiques to find well-known brand (Gucci, Prada, Guess, Louis Vuitton, Versace, Armani, etc) or to hair stylist shop, cosmetic shop, etc just to be different, to attract much attention. Wearing big sun-glasses, big round earring that can make the dolphine pass through it. My friends, it is not wrong if you want to be beautiful or attractive, but please be yourself. Bible said, "Stop judging by mere appearances, and make a right judgment (John 7:24)."
Victim of plastic surgery
You are fearfully and wonderfully made by God, marvelous are His works (Psalms 139:14). Why you need to do plastic surgery? Why you need to colour your hair? Why you need to make your breast bigger? Do you think God made mistake when He created you with black hair, small breast, etc do you think God should create you with blonde hair and big breast? Let God be true, and every man a liar (Romans 3:4).
My friends, please stand firm in the faith, do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will (Romans 12:2). Do not let the world shape you to be like them. Jesus said, "If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first. If you belonged to the world, it would love you as its own. As it is, you do not belong to the world, but I have chosen you out of the world. That is why the world hates you. Remember the words I spoke to you: 'No servant is greater than his master.' If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also. If they obeyed my teaching, they will obey yours also (John 15:18-20).
During this ages, we are saturated with media, e.g: hard rock music, books, porn, etc. What about Harry Potter, Narnia, Lord of the Ring, etc? Are they not teaching us about witchcraft? The world love their books, their movies a lot and how about you? If you think Narnia is Christian movie because the writer, C.S. Lewis, is Christian, check again the author life and his doctrines. The simplest way to know about him is: go to search engine and type "...... heresy", e.g: "C.S Lewis heresy, Billy Graham heresy, Rick Warren heresy, etc" and with your Holy Spirit (if you have Him) try to discern spirits. Prove all things; hold fast that which is good (1 Thessalonians 5:21). "To prove" is different with "to believe".
I never said, "to believe all things" because you will also find that some of the true believers will have lot of enemies, the devil tries to discredit them, so that people's eyes will not be opened. The more you like Jesus, the more you will be hated by the world. As Jesus was called "possessed by Beelzebub" "blasphemy against God", etc, you will find out that many men of God are also hated by the world and given false testimonies, called "heretic", etc.
If you read the history of Spanish Inquisition, the people who were burned and called heretic are the true born again Christians who chose not to conform to the world and the ones who were called "men of God" are the Pharisees and the Scribes, the false prophets, etc. Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, Elijah, John the Baptist, etc were the public enemies at their time. People sincerely hated them. So, my friends please prove all things, gain wisdom and knowledge, test also the spirit of this person who wrote you.
And for adults, they are no different. The news they always watch on television is just government propaganda to shape public opinion. Or you will be saturated with sport of celebrities gossip everytime you watch movie. It always full of junks.
It is good to enjoy yourself, sitting in your family room and watch movie together. But please be careful because nowaday, I can hardly find the good movie without sex scene, without violence, without witchcraft, etc. Also in sport, another spirits work in it: idolatry, hatred, betting and drunkenness. Do you know that it will prevent you to inherit the kingdom of God?
Galatians 5:19-21
The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
In Germany, no football game without beer. I have been in Dortmund Stadion, I just saw people drinking and drinking. They became crazy, became like animal, they peed on the street, they showed their genital to the mass and other took picture of it, they shouted and yelled, etc. If their team won, they will drink, if their team lose, especially when against the team from neighbourhood, they will drink even more. Vandalism is everywhere. And after watching football, they go to club, to party and start doing evil thing.
My friends, do you idolize some football clubs or football stars? Does your room full of poster of your idols? Do you think it is idolatry or not? Have you bet money for your team? Do you hate the supporter of your club's biggest rival? If you are MU fans, will you hate other english clubs fans, etc? If you still have that kind of behaviour, please read Galatians 5:19-21 and answer me: will you inherit the kingdom of God or not?
Celebrities gossip is also no different. Always talk about divorce, about violence in the home, about somebody has heartbreak, somebody change partner, somebody makes mistake, etc. Gossip is everywhere. You will also idolize some actresses or singers or dancers or whoever. Again, idolatry, gossip are surrounding you. Be careful of your eternity, my friends. MTV, fashionTV, celebrities gossip, news, sport have saturated us. We are brainwashed by the repetition. The same song can be heard everywhere, the same gossip can be heard everywhere, the same news can be heard everywhere until it affect our lives. As I said before, repetition is the best method to brainwash people.
The same thing happens in the church. If we are told "you are child of God" again and again just because we pray that simple sinner prayer, just because once on our lifetime we repeat the prayer led by the pastor, just because once in our lifetime we move forward during altar call, etc and after we pray that prayer somebody immediately shake our hand, hug and welcome us into the kingdom of God. I want to warn you that your pastors are highly possible not even saved, no matter how sincere he is, I believe that the reason he became pastor is not because of calling of God, but because another reason. Bible said, "Leave them; they are blind guides. If a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit (Matthew 15:14)."
They could be sincere, in which I, personally believe that most of them are sincerely want you to be a better person, to go to heaven but they are just the product of the seminaries or Bible colleges. They just graduated from university and gained Bachelor or Master or even professor of Theology but without Holy Spirit inside them. Bible is not a textbook. Bible is not learned, but divine Word of God which need divine guidance from God alone, through Holy Spirit. It is practical, not doctrinal. Even the prostitutes, fishermen, tax collectors, murderers can become preachers, pastors, evangelists, teachers because God calls them to work in His vineyard, not your degree.
I always confuse, how can these Bible colleges treat Bible as textbook? They have exams, they give grade, etc and you know what? Some people get degree to be "pastor" because their grade is A, because they answered right 60%, because they pass the passing grade, etc. Bible is the all truth, not half truth. So, please help me justify why people with even 99.999999% right in answering the exams can be a pastor, except he is called by God?
Anyway, they will be angry if you told them that they lack of Holy Spirit, they will kick you out from the congregation. Just remember, Jesus opposed those who sit on Moses' seat, and see around you who are now sitting on the Moses' seat in your church? Be careful of their teaching, even the people in Berea always test Paul's teaching. Do not follow men, but God can also speak through men, through your pastors, and you better listen to it if you see Jesus is speaking through them. So, you better learn how to discern the spirits.
Check his life first, no matter how beautiful his messages, without Holy Spirit, your faith will never grow, you will end up with more confusion than understanding. Always test the spirits, be careful of people who lay hand on you, you will never know that the same hand is used also to masturbate. Always ask the blood of Jesus to cover you when somebody tries to lay hand on you, never ever allow your soul to be empty for it is the easiest way to put evil spirits inside you. If it is really from God, no matter how hard you try to resist it, you will never be able to.
Preaching the Word of God is calling from God. It is the greatest joy that somebody can have for it is God who hire you to do His business. I, personally have double respect to the true preacher of the Word. They are more honored than president of USA or any CEOs you can name for they stand firm in the gap between God and His people. If these men failed to stand firm, all of his flocks will be scattered. I respect those missionaries who go to prison, to dangerous part of the world to preach to Gospel, to the orphanage, to the disaster victim area because the testimonies of Jesus. If you want to be blessed, help them, not the pastors whose God is in their belly, who sell candies in the church. May the Lord rebukes them.
So please, my fellow brothers who have title in the church, it is calling from God, not because you are rejected by your girlfriend, not because you are rejected by the favourite universities and the only option left is Bible colleges (because the requirement is so low and also subsidized), not because you can't study science or economic and you don't have talent in music and sport, so you choose to be a pastor in hope that after you graduated, you can make your own company (church), sell you candy product (prosperity or false gospel) so that costumers ("born again Christians") will flock into your business, buy your products (books, holy water, CDs, etc) and you gain money (tithing and offering). You become manager of your own company, you keep trying to improve your company (live concert gospel band, mega stadium, big screen TV, etc) just to satisfy your audition. Nice, is it not?
Remember this, my fellow brothers: If you mislead one person to hell, his blood is upon your head, if you mislead 3 people to hell, their blood are upon your head. So if you running a mega-church and you always give them candy (peace and safety, blessing and prosperity, grace and joy) just to make them stay in your church, paying tithe and offering, so that your business can continue, all of their blood will be on your head. If you have 19000 people in your church, then the blood of 19000 people will drag you to the very bottom of the pit of hell. Make yourselves right before God or drop your title as "pastor" "preacher" "evangelist" "super-apostle", etc. Why? Because it is too heavy for you, you can't carry on, you just endanger yourselves. God will judge you more strictly.
My christians and non-christian friends, without repentance of the heart and without completely surrender to God, just repeating simple prayer with our mouth, we have been brainwashed by our own pastors to be the member of christian as religion, not as way of life. The true preachers of the Word will never tell people that they are saved until the hand of God touch the very deep of people's heart and convict them that they are child of God by pouring His Holy Spirit. God Himself who will write stories in our heart according to His perfect will, His good purpose that He has planned for us before the creation of the world.
So, now you have seen lot of subliminal messages that happen in the church and also in the world. We are spiritually and physically under attack by the devil. I can't imagine how can people who never read Bible, never know the truth are really confident in believing and having faith that can even move mountain that they will enter the kingdom of God. Their faith is futile. If you want to be saved, please start reading the Bible and you will never be able to understand Bible if you don't ask guidance from above, if you don't have Holy Spirit inside you. The first thing you need to do is: repentance toward God and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ. The question is: have you been brainwashed? do you want to know the truth? Read your Bible and may the Lord bless you
This is really opening my eyes. I will read my Bible before I do anything I consider "important". Thanks.
"industries have their own subliminal messages to blaspheme against God, to mislead people to darkness? They are trying to put sex, rebellion, racism, brutalism, etc into our brain."
Uh, just so you know, racism has been pretty prevalent since before the begining of written history. So you can't completely blame that on subliminal messages in advertising and media.
I just happened upon this site.
I agree that television is garbage and I rarely watch it, however I am astounded at how far you took it.
For instance, Disney as a whole does not send us subliminal messages through their cartoons, instead you have to realize they are the work of artists with a deranged sense of humor. After these were made known to Disney, they edited these out and re-released the films.
As for exposing children to the love between a man and a woman too early....
I really can't bend my brain around to see your point of view on this. They should be exposed to this as soon as possible so they know this is normal. Children are optimally supposed to be raised by a man and a woman who love each other. Any other situation, such as a gay couple, or even a straight couple whose love has died can negatively affect the growth of a child.
It's really up to you whether or not you choose to be brainwashed by the world or not. I know the world is messed up now, fueled by money. The message behind almost any advertisement or product is to make money.
God does work in everything though. When I was a teenager I used to smoke pot quite often, and while it is illegal, has long term health effects and makes you less motivated, God started to speak to me through these times I was high until the point He motivated me to quit.
As ridiculous as you may think this sounds, you have to push away any legalistic or highly conservative qualities about yourself to understand that since pot became so much of an idol to me, and that I was a Christian, God used these times to speak to me, because He knew at these times I was more open to hear Him.
He showed me the motives behind advertisements, the humanistic view that drugs and alcohol are normal, even though God did not intend this to be. He showed me the technology today in North America distracts us from God, that we are so pampered that we feel no need to turn to Him.
These are things He showed me when I was high and so much more, and years later, after the habit was done, I still remember what He showed me.
Even in the darkest place, God is still there.
If you don't believe that God can reach you though worldly idols such as the ones you talked about, you imply that God is not everywhere, that He doesn't care about us when we sin, and in turn, it would be you that has brainwashed when you get so caught up with how wicked the world is.
I hope this has spoken to you,
God Bless!
You wrote: "We know also that the Son of God has come and has given us understanding, so that we may know him who is true. And we are in him who is true—even in his Son Jesus Christ. He is the true God and eternal life. (1 John 5:19-20).""
I want to comment and atonement…
(le-havdil) How to live in order to enable the Creator in His loving kindness to provide His kipur –atonement- is outlined in Tan’’kh ; and was also taught by the first century Ribi Yehoshua from Nazareth (the Mashiakh; the Messiah).
Read it here:
Anders Branderud
You are crazy and read way too much into stuff.
i respect your views and things,
but i am afraid you are interpreting the bible in a very narrow minded way,
i wouldn't say it was wrong,
but honestly,
keep an open mind about things,
and stop being so pessimistic.
you are also very hypocritical in things,
and contradicting the bible as well,
only picking out parts that support your argument,
and taking the bible out of context.
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