Tuesday 22 July 2008

How to prove Heaven and Hell?

The easiest answer is: If you believe there is God, then you should also believe that heaven and hell are exist, since if there is no heaven, where does God dwell now?

Ok, you said right, Alvin, I do believe that God is exist, that means heaven is exist. But it has nothing to do about hell, since God can't dwell in both of them, right? How can you prove there is hell? What if there is no hell, just heaven? So that all of the people, good or bad will be united again in the afterlife. Our earth is also our heaven. Enjoy the life, Alvin. Don't be too holy, holy..

Your reasoning is good, my friends, especially since there is no chance for the people who have died and gone to the next quest; have tasted about Heaven or Hell, then suddenly came back to life and testified that Heaven is really exist or Hell is really exist. Quite impossible; right?

Though I believed in my heart that there are people whose time is not yet come (rejected by heaven or hell) and can come back to life again. But, it is not your fault if you didn't want to believe them, since they are many liars around us. So, once again, let's use our logic since it is impossible to talk about faith with you who are still lack of faith.

My friends, my Bible really talked about Heaven and Hell. Would you believe in my Bible? Of course not, right... since you are not a Christian. So? We are going to dead end right now. And in order to make you believe, I need to prove my Bible first, right?

Ok, let's me proof the validity of my Bible

Do you know that Bible tell us from the beginning till the end of the world? Bible said the world was created in 6 days and in the future, this world is going to an end. How can you believe that if you don't have faith?

Let me reason here. Do you know how to prove the Newton's Law or any scientific papers? Anybody can write any papers, but not all of them valid. So, we need to prove it, right? How?

If you are doing experiments, you will not do it forever, right? You will never try to do experiment for about 12 months non-stop or etc. You will just try to get the tendency by plotting all of your data and creating a formula or equation (maybe by linear equations or partial differential equations) then doing extrapolation for the time in the future, is not it?
Or if you are a businessman, want to buy shares in the market, especially when you are involve in future trading. You need to be able to predict the future, right? How? Simple, you go and see the history, the stochastic data and then from it, you can now predict about your future.
Or if you are following American Votes, many expert has predicted that Obama will win over Hilary. They even gave the exact percentage, eg: 55%-45% before the election time was end. How can that possible? Of course they didn't ask all the people who will they elect before the time, right? It is illegal to do like that. So? They do sampling, for example, they interview randomly 1000 people and from it they predict the future.
The same thing with Bible, my friends. Maybe right now you lack of faith. You need to see the proof first before you can believe. So, please try by yourself this Bible. Does it really tell us the truth about the past and also its prophecy since 2000 years ago really been fulfilled right now?
Here are some proof about the story in the Bible
You can see around you that those prophecy are being fulfilled in our time. You need to really believe in the Bible, that all the events written there are true and will come to pass, including heaven and hell. This is the only way to prove it, since nobody has experienced it and came back to life. You need to use point, sample, data from the past and extrapolate so that you can predict the future.
For me, Heaven and Hell is true, hope you can be convinced about it too. God bless you

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